Faith in the Storm

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“Suddenly the storm stopped and all was calm. Then he asked them, ‘Where is your faith?’” Luke 8:24-25

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I have been through many storms throughout my life. My time in college seemed like it was storm after storm, with just enough time for me to come up for air. I played soccer in college in Indiana while being born and raised in Southern California. It was there, in a small town of Indiana, that God worked on my heart so I could be the woman of faith that I am today. But this came through many trials and storms.

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus and his disciples are crossing over a lake when a huge storm comes. This storm seems like it is going to overtake them and drown them. The disciples call out to Jesus and questions if he cares. They assume that Jesus is doing nothing about their current situation. But then Jesus gets up and calms the storm before their eyes. Then he speaks these powerful words, “Where is your faith?”


I have asked God many questions like the disciples’ response while I have gone through many storms in my life. “God, don’t you even care that I am severely depressed?” “God, don’t you even care that my best friend’s mom is dying of cancer?” “God, don’t you even care that my boyfriend has been unfaithful to me?” “God don’t you even care that I have been injured for years and can’t play soccer?” There are many more questions just like this that I have asked God, usually with tears and on my knees. Through these questions, God’s response to me is, “Where is your faith?”

Where is my faith when everything seems like it is going wrong? That is a great and powerful question. Am I trusting God with every part of my life knowing that He is in control? This has been the story of my college career. Time and time again, the storms come. But every time, God doesn’t let me fall and doesn’t let me drown. He is there but only asks that I have faith in Him. I may not understand these storms or when they will end, but I have faith in my Father to be with me through it all.


When the storms come, whether it be from an injury, an illness, or a heartbreak, we can look to God to be with us through the storm. These will not overtake us, even when it seems like we cannot keep our heads above water any longer. Through these, we can learn to have the deepest faith in God and the plans that he has for us. We need to have faith that this current circumstance is not for forever. We can grow through these. But only with faith can be grow and get through these times. Our faith should be a solid foundation on which we stand. Trust me, this is hard! But time and time again, God has been faithful to me. This only makes my faith get stronger for the next storm.

So, let me ask you, where is your faith when the storms come in your life?


McKenna Cruz

McKenna Cruz was born and raised in Southern California. McKenna has been playing soccer since she was 5 and grew a great passion for it. She went to Grace College in Indiana to finish out her soccer career. There her heart grew for God as she wanted to pursue sports ministry when she finished college. McKenna is now on staff with Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Orange County.