Transferring: When God Used Change for Good


My volleyball athletic journey was unique and unplanned but beautiful in its own way. I felt the Lord`s presence and direction right when I needed it. After high school, I started playing at a division one volleyball school thinking that was my spot for the next four years of college. I quickly learned that the program was not what I wanted, nor were the coaches ones who were going help me succeed in a healthy way. My coaches viewed their players as a business, not really caring how we were doing on a personal level.

As I realized this, I began to struggle with identity and worth. I found myself questioning God.

Why was I placed here?
Did I come here on my own desire?
Did I listen to God’s plans for me?

I felt defeated and didn’t have any ambition to continue with volleyball. My identity was wrapped in volleyball and I didn’t know how to move forward without it. I was thinking I would just stay at the school and not play. 

But I began to consider why I enjoyed playing volleyball, and when I took the time to do that, I realized it was the team culture that was on my heart. Being on a volleyball team gave me a sense of family and relationships that I loved. I am competitive and like being surrounded in a sport environment.

I decided to take a full leap of faith and transfer to Biola University. At Biola I found a family that showed me love and commitment. We played as a team on and off the court and loved each other through it all.

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I learned quickly my Identity was in Christ and that Christ has given me the ability to love and play volleyball.

Looking back, transferring schools was a hard process for me.

It brought difficulties and feelings that weren’t always easy to deal with. Maybe you are in a hard place right now. I encourage you to keep pressing into God and see how He is working in your life. As I look at it now, years later it seems like a blur. However, I’ll never forget the lessons God taught me, and I’ll continue to see His hand through it all.

God showed me that He used me in a short period of my life to teach me a bigger lesson. He showed me that He will never leave me in a time of need. I believe that He was preparing my heart for something bigger and better, as well as teaching me more about Him.

The Lord showed me that transferring or moving on from something is okay. Not only is it okay, but it is brave. To put all my trust in God, to transfer schools, to start over — it wasn’t easy but it made me stronger today.


My prayer for you is that you will find this encouraging and to seek lessons that God is showing you even during a hard spot in your life. Keep pushing and trusting in our Heavenly Father.

“Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior and my hope is in you all day long” Psalm 25:5


Ally Forsberg

My name is Ally Forsberg. I am a recent Grad from Biola University and currently working on my Masters degree from Azusa Pacific University. I coach high school and middle school volleyball right now. I have such a big heart for female athletes and the impact we can all make in an athletic setting. I also have a passion for serving the Lord. I live in Huntington Beach, CA and love hanging out at local coffee shops!