Chalk Talk: Player Interview with High School Tennis Player
So tell me a bit about yourself… What's your name? What sport do you play? Where do you go to school? Etc.
Hi!!! My name is Kat Smith, I am a junior at Newport Harbor High School! My current sport is tennis, but I’ve always loved playing or watching almost all sports, and I’ve played club soccer for many years, as well as volleyball, basketball and lacrosse.
What are some things that keep you grounded as a crazy busy high schooler like yourself?
Haha, funny you should ask that! This concept of “staying grounded” is something I’ve struggled with a lot lately, but I’d love to share a few things I’ve been learning. As a high schooler, it’s really easy to be overwhelmed by everything expected of me: getting good grades, practicing and improving my tennis game, investing time in extracurriculars I’m involved with, all at the same time maintaining a social life and not drown in all of this. Many times I’ve felt burnt out and I have to ask myself, “what am I doing all of this for?” The immediate answer that has been ingrained into my brain over and over by the standards of society is: college. I do all of this so I can make my resume as impressive as possible, so I can get into the best college possible, so I can have the best life possible. However, THIS IS NOT TRUE! God does not necessarily call us to go to college. He calls us to love others and love him. Now, I’m not saying it’s okay to slack off because God doesn’t care where we go to college, but I am saying that this not our top priority.
Expectations can put a lot of pressure on us. What do you usually do when you those anxious feelings about expectations pop up?
When I’m feeling the most anxious or overwhelmed, I try to find perspective in what lies ahead of me, “does this task really matter in the long run?” Most of the time, it doesn’t. What matters to God is glorifying him and often that comes from the relationships we form with the people around us. Love others, and don’t “squeeze God in” to your busy schedule. I’ve realized that when God becomes just another thing to check off! Oftentimes making those tough choices will lead to a happier and healthier me.
Wow that's awesome! I know so many high schoolers are struggling with living up to expectations. Do you have a church community to keep you grounded? How important it is to be connected to a church community?
Having a church community is SO IMPORTANT. I feel very strongly about this, community is one of the most important things. The connections we form with other like-minded people will support us in our hard times, and help us grow our faith and understanding of God.
How does that look in your life?
I came from MCS, which was a small, private christian school I’d gone to from Kindergarten to eighth grade, to Newport Harbor, a very large public school. I knew it would be crucial to get plugged in to a Christian community, and the beginning of my freshman year I joined FCA leadership (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), which immediately provided me with a close group of believers devoted to serving the Lord on our campus. From there, I met friends who have become some of my closest friends, and who introduced me to a high school ministry called Refuge at a local church. FCA and Refuge have become so important to me because of the friendships and community I form with the people there! These relationships go so deep because of the common thread of Jesus’ love we all share. Monday nights at Refuge have become a priority above almost everything, as it sets my week off on the right tone. Honestly, it’s a really important break. Sometimes the best thing about it is the laughter and conversations I have with others, which provides stress relief and a break from my mundane homework. Community to me is everything, and I’m so thankful for the community God has provided in my life!
It is inspiring to see how you intentionally pursued that community! Let's switch our focus over to tennis now. How has playing tennis in high school influenced your faith in Jesus?
My whole journey leading into playing tennis has shown me how incredibly faithful God is. All through middle school and even summer before freshman year, I believed I would be playing volleyball and soccer in high school. However, God had other, much better plans. I played volleyball in the summer before 9th grade, but when tryouts came around I didn’t make the team. I was surprised, heartbroken and honestly, embarrassed. I had always been an athletic person and had never had trouble making any team I tried out for, but there I was 2 weeks before school started without a sport. I realized how reliant I was on the title of “athletic” and wasn’t quite sure what to do next. A close friend of mine was trying out for tennis and I decided to go for it, mostly because it was the only sport that hadn’t had tryouts yet. I’d never played before, but somehow I made the team and there began the incredible journey of my tennis career. I immediately fell in love with the sport, I loved the classiness and cute outfits, my incredible coach, my team, and the flexibility it allowed me that volleyball would not have. (I got to play lacrosse as well later that year, which was an amazing experience!) Since starting, it has become evident that this is where God wants me! I was so upset when I initially didn't make volleyball, but God is so faithful because he always has a plan for us. I’ve gotten the opportunity to serve as team captain for two years now, and have learned so much through my journey about resilience and trust. Not to mention, I have the best coach and team ever! :)
God is so faithful!! To close, what is one last encouragement you would give to a freshman if she were reading this?
You are beautiful. You are enough. How many times do we have to hear these words before we start to actually believe them? I would encourage them to spend time with people that encourage them and help them grow, not ones you have to change yourself to hang out with. Also, I would say to spend time doing things that truly interest you. This goes for classes, clubs, sports, etc. If we fill our schedule with things we’re doing solely because our friends are doing them or they will look good for college, we will be extremely unhappy and quickly get burnt out. Do things that you’re passionate about, and it will fill you with joy and purpose. Also, you should go to Fellowship of Christian Athlete huddles on your high school campuses if you have one!
Kat Smith