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Today I am so excited to share my conversation with Natasha Van Der Merwe, an endurance coach, long time professional triathlete, and the founder and owner of NVDM Coaching based out of Austin, Texas. Despite her impressive accomplishments, Natasha is truly humble and has dedicated most of her career to helping others become their best – physically, mentally, and spiritually. We cover a lot of ground in this episode, including how Natasha began walking with Jesus, why she views coaching as ministry, practical ways to invite God into your every day, and so much more.

Born in a small town in South Africa, Natasha had access to all kinds of sports from a young age. At 12 years old she attended boarding school in search of greater opportunity in sports, which led her to a tennis academy where she became a junior world tennis player. She went professional shortly after and began traveling the world for tennis tournaments, until a work trip with her mom landed her in the Bahamas and launched her coaching career. And as if that wasn’t interesting enough, her transition from tennis to triathlon happened around the same time as she met her now-husband and Jesus!

One thing I loved that Natasha touched on was the concept of becoming a “mental marathoner.” Yes, triathlon is physically challenging, but there is such a huge mental component of it as well. It’s all-too-easy for your mind to wander during the sport, so we must practice the art of infusing purpose and focus into every moment. This is a perfect opportunity to connect with God! Whether you’re praying or singing worship songs in your head, inviting the Lord into your sport can help you stay grounded and present in the moment. Remember that He doesn’t just want us to do things for Him, but with Him.

3 key takeaways from this episode:

  • How to combat people-pleasing and perfectionism with God

    Natasha shares about her personal journey with people-pleasing and how she learned to shift her gaze from others back onto God. It’s a continual process, but she has found freedom with the help of the Holy Spirit and continual awareness of His presence.

  • Why Natasha sees coaching as ministry

    In a sport like triathlon, everything in you is put to the test and often exposed: fear, anxiety, identity, even how you manage your time. As a coach, Natasha encourages her athletes through these challenges – and some of them have even come to know Christ as a result!

  • How Natasha intentionally builds community in her business

    NVDM Coaching was launched during COVID, so the need for community has been a focus from the start. With multiple locations, regular Zoom calls, team races, and even a small group that meets at her house, Natasha is intentional about cultivating a healthy community.

Here are all the things mentioned in this episode: 

Brought to you by: Unite Health Share Ministries