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What motivates you? How do you stay motivated throughout the highs and lows of life? Why are there days when you feel like you could take on the world, and other days you may feel like doing nothing at all? Today we’re talking all things motivation with insights straight from you, the FAM! You answered questions about what gets you motivated… and what doesn’t. The goal of this episode is to inspire you to dig deeper into what motivates you most.

A few months ago I asked several questions through polls on Instagram to find out how the FAM community specifically experiences motivation, and the results were fascinating. Around 500 of you participated in the survey, and it was so interesting hearing your thoughts and opinions on the topic. I had a blast unpacking your answers and drawing conclusions that I hope you’ll find as interesting as I did. Thanks for playing along!

A humbling takeaway from these insights for me was that, as coaches, we can easily misinterpret a player’s lack of motivation if we aren’t careful. How often do we assume that a player’s heart simply isn’t “in it” when the issue may in fact be us (ouch!) I feel challenged to look beneath the surface and be a motivator for my team. Trust is not a given; it’s the coach’s job to build trust with each player, and we can do that by speaking words of life.

3 key takeaways from this episode:

  • The FAM’s thoughts on motivation

    I asked, you answered! About 500 of you responded to my Instagram prompts about motivation a couple months ago, and your answers really fueled this episode. We dive into the responses and takeaways for each. 

  • How coaches and teams can motivate each other

    According to the survey, far more players are motivated by teammates than coaches. Team building is so important! Coaches and players alike need to be committed to building a team atmosphere where everyone is encouraged to bring their best.

  • What motivates you?

    We hear a small sampling of the FAM’s responses to this question, but only you can answer it for yourself. I hope you’ll take some time to reflect on what it is that truly motivates you and your team.

This podcast was produced by Pivot Media Co.

Brought to you by: Unite Health Share Ministries