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Today I had the great opportunity of sitting down and talking with Tasia Percevecz. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of New Hampshire, where she also trained and was a college gymnast. More recently, she is a three-time CrossFit Games Athlete with CrossFit Mayhem Freedom. Broken down, she was a one-time individual placing 15th in 2016 and she was a two-time team champion placing first in both 2018 and 2019. Tasia, who was known as a “jack of all trades” at Mayhem Athlete, retired this year from competing, but her growth and her story is not done yet. Today, she serves as Director of Operations at Mayhem and coaches Haley Adams, a CrossFit Games Athlete. I have no doubt that lives are still being changed because of her incredible story.

Tasia has a heart for spreading God's love and seeing women grow into healthy relationships with themselves and others. Her humble heart and willing spirit speaks so much louder than her accolades. “I have openly struggled with disordered eating, body dysmorphia, and low self worth,” she says. “I feel passionately about healing and being open about my growth so that I can help other women going through similar situations.”

In this episode, Tasia shares about how gymnastics led her to CrossFit and how today, she uses the sport to share about Jesus. She expresses how Jesus has changed her life and how she came to find Him. She also shares how scripture has changed her life and how she reads scripture in a new light. She is an advocate for empowering women, no matter the body size or shape. Her story is just as beautiful as she is and I am so excited for you guys to hear it!!

3 key takeaways from this episode:

  • Your identity is not found in earthly things

    Tasia shares about how she found herself and her delight in Jesus as opposed to in her sport. She realized that she was so much more than a gymnast or an athlete. She was a child of God chosen to share the good news to others around her and uplift her brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • How CrossFit at Mayhem impacted Tasia’s life for the better.

    Tasia tells us a story today of how she was coaching and one of her athletes got moved from 7th place to 5th place and she cried tears of excitement and joy. She said that when she won gold medals, she never cried. She said, “This picture of celebrating other people can be so fulfilling too.” Being at CrossFit Mayhem Freedom not only made her a better athlete, but also made her a better person.

  • How to use your story empower others
    Jesus showed Tasia who she really was and he healed her from years of low self esteem due to body dysmorphia and eating disorders. She has also been on the other side of social media slander and hate. She knows what it feels like to be made to seem less than and she has made it her mission to never make someone feel that way, but rather to make them feel empowered to keep working and keep loving themselves no matter what.

Here are all the things mentioned in this episode: 

Brought to you by: Unite Health Share Ministries