Developing Intimacy with God On and Off the Court

Developing Intimacy with God On and Off the Court

Messiah College volleyball player, Amanda Dahlman, shares how having an intimate relationship with God is ultimately what her heart longs for. She gives us practical ways to cultivate a relationship with God both ON the court and OFF the court… because ultimately being a Christian athlete is not just about playing FOR God, but also playing WITH God.

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My Story with Volleyball, Depression, and New Beginnings

My Story with Volleyball, Depression, and New Beginnings

Nani finally reached her goal of being a division one, full-ride volleyball athlete. However, she was sad, isolated, and trapped in her depression. It wasn’t until she left her college and began a journey of healing during an internship with Fellowship of Christian Athletes, that she truly began to understand and believe the truths that God said about her. Read her story of seeking healing HERE.

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